Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's Not all Politics

I will admit that I post my fair share of political opinions and messages on Facebook, not so much on Twitter or via e-mail. There are certain things that I feel appropriate and conform to proper social network etiquette in expressing political opinions, and there are times when it is not appropriate. Somethings are just funny:


Sorry, but it is just annoying when someone posts a funny picture or a pretty harmless question and someone inevitably makes it political. This happened twice on Friday, one friend posted some "Fail" photos people basically doing dumb things and someone had to bring up politics / politicians. There was another where it was "If you could be anyone for a day, who and why" someone had to put Obama so could undue all the bad he has done... It sounded dumb for a number of reasons.

I am not sure if I totally believe the old adage there are certain things you do not discuss in polite conversation religion or politics. I will say that there are times when it is rude or uncalled for, and in the new age of social networking some people need to learn there are times and places for your opinion and there are most certainly times when it is not appropriate.

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